The Star has lodged its official submission outlining a decrease in the number of violent incidents at the venue to the NSW Government’s Liquor Law Review announced by Deputy Premier Troy Grant in February.
In the submission, signed by The Star’s Managing Director Greg Hawkins, a note was made of the “higher level of oversight and regulation at The Star than at any other licensed venue in NSW”, as well as the reduction in assaults from 64 in 2014 to 52 in 2015, equating to approximately one alleged assault for every 211,000 visitors.
It also pointed out The Star’s focus on Responsible Service of Alcohol and it’s “proactive policies and a zero tolerance approach” to reducing antisocial behaviour in the venue that sees around 11 million guests annually and as many as 40,000 visitors every Friday and Saturday.
A part of this approach is a commitment to ensuring the safety and comfort of guests, with a focus on RSA and the provision of 2,800 surveillance camera and 258 security guards.
Following a 2013/2014 Independent Liquor and Gaming report indicating that the lockout laws have had no major impact on The Star, the tourism and entertainment destination has made clear its hopes to continue operating in a lockout free zone.